a story of revival
In 1918, some spiritually hungry believers from the Plan 12 neighborhood of Aliquippa heard about a stirring of the Holy Spirit at a missionary convention at a church (today Allegheny Center Alliance Church) on the North Side of Pittsburgh. They decided to travel by horse and buggy into the city to seek God's Presence together. They encountered God powerfully at the convention and returned to Aliquippa full of faith and the Holy Spirit.
They began meeting in a home in Plan 12, and the Aliquippa Gospel Tabernacle was born. Eventually, this family on mission secured property and erected a simple structure where they could meet and pray. These early years were characterized by front-line ministry to steel mill workers and their families who were experiencing the turmoil of the industrial revolution. Beyond ministering locally, the people of the Gospel Tabernacle gave sacrificially even with modest salaries to support missionaries around the world.
As the congregation grew, a church was built on the corner of Marratta Road and Irwin Street and became Aliquippa Alliance Church. The church was passionate about reaching out to those who were hurting and in need of God's love. Every Sunday night, the church had a healing service where many people experienced miracles, healing, and encounters with God's Presence.
In 1966, the growing congregation purchased property in Crestmont Village in Hopewell and built a new building. Here the church, now known as Crestmont Alliance Church, experienced many fruitful years of ministry. The church continued to support missionaries around the world and even sent missionaries to South America and West Africa.
After a season of hardship and challenge, Crestmont began to experience a season of renewal once again in the mid-2000's. God's Presence once again became central to the church's experience, local mission was revived, prayer caught fire, and emerging leaders were equipped and empowered to be released locally and globally. Eventually, a family of ministries, non-profits, businesses, and missional communities known as The Greenhouse Network was birthed out of the church. Additionally, missional partnerships were formed in Florida, The Dominican Republic, South Korea, The Middle East, and West Africa.
In 2019, the Franklin Avenue Campus was born, and the church took back it's original name - The Gospel Tabernacle.
Ours is a story of revival from beginning to the current day. It's a story of people healed and empowered in God's Presence and released into mission in the neighborhoods and the nations.